RetailX invites you to their event

Digital Transformation at Venca - a behind-the-scenes, confidential discussion with the CIO

20 October 2022 at 1100 CET

About this event

Venca ( is a Spanish retail powerhouse, offering a full product range for men’s and women’s fashion, children and home furnishing.  Based near Barcelona, Venca was an early online pioneer, transitioning from its catalogue heritage with one of the first ecommerce sites in Spain, around 1997.

From this pioneering start, and following a management buyout a few years ago, Venca has re-energised its digital transformation.

Venca now sells to mainly Spain and Portugal but has global reach and has introduced a marketplace platform (to bring more brands to its customers without increase stock commitments) – all while accelerating the “behind the scenes” operational capabilities to support their growth.

In our CONFIDENTIAL online roundtable we’ll be joined by Jordi Badia who is not only the CIO and CDO of the business, but one of the management team who led the Management Buyout in 2017. We are honoured to have Jordi with us, and he will share with participants:

– some background on the business and the role of chief digital officer

– the drivers to accelerate the digital transformation, along with his description of the intended state of the business

– what he considers the necessary capabilities for modern, customer-centred retail, especially as a Spanish business operating across borders

– a view on the competitive digital landscape, who’s driving innovation and customer expectations

– some of the key challenges to overcome as you take a mature, sizeable business through a transformation process.

The RetailX digital roundtable format is distinctive. The format is confidential (no recording, no broadcast), live (be there, no ‘catch up later’ option!), participatory (mic on, camera on, discuss!). This is more akin to a roundtable discussion than a sit-back webinar. We are inviting retailers whose size, scale, growth and complexity will allow them to understand Venca’s journey and to be able to apply the learning and contribute experience.

The roundtable will last about an hour and Anna Segarra Fas, who leads our research gathering and is based near Barcelona, will chair the discussion.

Please let us know if you would like to join the discussion. We will have about 8 participants so that there is sufficient time for all to speak and converse.


Jordi Badia

CIO & CDO of Venca

Francisco Masip

Senior Enterprise Account Executive, Tealium

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