Welcome to the RetailCraft Network

RetailX’s RetailCraft Network is comprised of a unique cohort of senior professionals and experts in the ecommerce and retail space. Members of the network meet on a regular basis at events across Europe to network and discuss the skills, the art and the science of trading successfully.

RetailCraft Network

We recognise that practitioners value the insights, experiences and advice of their peers. To facilitate that valuable exchange and to direct and focus our research, we are establishing a RetailCraft Network – leading practitioners, commercial strategists, case study and research contributors. Our RetailCraft Network will be invited to our programme of c10~12 Dinners a year and a similar number of Research Roundtables, Briefings and other small curated exchanges. Common to all will be the confidential, collegiate approach.

Who is the Network for?

RetailCraft Network events are exclusively for the senior managers and executives of the RetailX Top500 retailers and brands.

How do I participate?

Join the RetailCraft Network by completing the short form here. Please make sure you enter the email address you wish used for group notifications only.

Testimonials from recent RetailCraft dinners

"Let me thank you all for a wonderful evening on Wednesday. You assembled a great group of people and I would say it was a very successful evening in terms of bringing people together and facilitating genuine and interesting conversations and connections"
"Really great meeting everyone on Wednesday night, thanks for a fabulous evening.”
"I had an amazing time, so much so I'm really looking forward to doing it again. You were AMAZING!!!”
"Was such a fun night full of amazing food and great company"


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